Plant and Penultimate Drills 9-29-10

Good Things:
1. Overall we are getting the timing down much better generally.
2. Most people seem to be getting the pole tip at eye level on the second to last left (aka 2L)
3. Rhythm and low heel recovery on the final step is improving.

Weak Areas:
1. Not controlling the drop with the right hand in addition to pressing the pole/arms complex forward.... Missing the "cocked" position on 2L.
2. Reaching & Toe pointing: Make this a focus on all that you do! Sprinting, Hill running, Intervals, Hurdle mobility, Med Balls, etc. IT TAKES REPETITION!
3. Full ROM through hips/knees.....while keeping hips tucked.

Isinbayeva: Sand pit drills: go to this page then scroll down to the "sand pit penetration" video link. Do not too get caught up the article.... although some of this is awesome, some is slightly different than our model.

Make sure to click on higher resolution button @ 480p. The file was way too big in high def so I had to shrink it.

Areas to focus on when watching:

1. Am I controlling the pole tip drop with my right hand or is the hand staying on the hip then pushing forward....pulling me on my toes, out of posture, and forced reaching?

2. Body posture !

3. Is the tip at eye level on my 2nd to last left.

4. Are my running mechanics solid: heel through butt, toe flexed up, full knee motion, and vertical downstriking (no reaching)

5. At I extending up through the hands through a solid "line" of extension through hips and shoulders?

Plant Drills Video - Protected

You can click resolution button for high quality after processing is complete.