Knoxville, TN

1. Michael Seaman - 5.05m, 16' 6.5" Ties PR
2. Brad Holtz - 4.90m, 16'
3. Michael Ayers - 4.72, 15' 6"
5. Matthew Best - 10' 6"

The guys vaulted in a low key meet at home on Tuesday night. Conditions were pretty good, with lightly swirling winds. Mikey won his first college meet with first attempt clearances at 4.90 and 5.05. He continues his progression this outdoor season, jumping 5.05 in his last 2 meets. 5.15-5.25 should come soon if he can shore up his take-off a bit and finish his swing aggressively. Bradley Holtz and Ayers were a bit off there game tonight but will build off of fine practices to prepare for the SEC.

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