Philadelphia, PA
1. Joe Berry - 17' 4.5"
8. Micheal Seaman - 16' 6.5" PR
10. Brad Holtz - 16' 0.5"

1. Joe Berry - 17' 4.5"
8. Micheal Seaman - 16' 6.5" PR
10. Brad Holtz - 16' 0.5"

Joe Berry captured the Penn Relays Championship title by clearing 5.30m and having less misses at earlier heights. He returned to his old stomping grounds where he broke the Penn Relays record his senior year of high school. Michael Seaman continued his progression by clearing a personal best of 5.05m and achieving his first career regional qualifier. Brad Holtz cleared 16', struggling a bit during the meet after very good warm-ups. Competitoin was strong in this meet as many of the top NCAA vaulters were in attendance. The temperature was very hot and the crowd was tremendous, similar to a college football game. The winds were swirling in all directions and required some toughness from the vaulters. The guys will now prepare for the Smokey Mountain Twilight meet as they continue to gear up for SEC's and beyond.